
~The Water Rose~

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Literature Text

From a babbling brook
To a luscious river she took
you to a place of worth,

The water rose

Where the river ran free and wild
with a passion to nourish
riverbanks made to flourish.
All life, so alive.
A life, set alight.
A light, seen ablaze

The Water Rose danced and swirled
Cries of joy swelled as she curled
The water rose crashed and whirled
Cries for help were swept and hurled

a maelstrom of desire
plains flood in senseless ire
A light, extinguished
waves, in ceaseless pursuit
waves, drown the mouths made mute
A life, relinquished
but time waits for none and winds would lie
but one more death awaited, as even oceans do run dry
No life, around to hear
The last remaining wails
tempered by

The silence

None around to fear
what the lasting calm entails
As the water rose, had risen, and returned.
So, this poem certainly changed a TON troughout the writing process, so I'm very curious whether or not you like it. Any comments are much appreciated!
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